“Discover The Little-Known Launch Secrets I Used To Generate $109K in 12 Days”

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One of the hardest things to do as an online business owner…

Is to get your audience to stop passively consuming your content, get their butts out of their seats and convert into paying clients.

You might be posting on social media…

Building a relationship with your audience…

Inviting others to work with you in your emails and posts…

But the truth is…

Your people are busy, distracted, caught up in the status quo…

And as much as they might want to work with you…

The real question is…

Why aren't more of them doing it?

Here’s the truth…

After 18 years of building online businesses... helping thousands of entrepreneurs in every niche imaginable...

I've learned there's one big reason why so many established online business owners are having trouble getting more of the clients and sales they want.

They simply aren’t giving their audience a compelling enough reason to buy from them today.

You might be incredible at what you do… with offers that could change people’s lives forever…

But if you aren't doing a good enough job motivating your audience to get their butts out of their seats and sign up to work with you...

You’re likely missing out on thousands from potential buyers who are sitting on the fence…

Waiting for the moment when you draw a line in the sand and give them a reason to hand you their money.

So the real question is…

How do you do this?

Well… after selling well over $1 million of coaching, consulting and courses online…

I’ve learned there’s one thing that works better than just about anything else when it comes to converting your audience into sales and clients...

A launch.

Launches are magical moments.

They create a compelling reason for people to say yes.

And that's why running them regularly is one of the fastest, easiest ways to dramatically increase your income.

Launches helped me go from making $5 - 10k / month to $50k, $60k, $100k months.

In June, I made $109,000 in 12 days… and a launch helped me do it.

When I look back over 18 years of building businesses online...

No other promotion strategy has consistently made me more money.

But here’s the problem…

Most business owners I meet have no idea how to run launches like a pro.

There’s so much that goes into creating a successful one…

And if you’re missing even one of the pieces you need to succeed…

You’re leaving untold amounts of income and impact on the table.

The good news is, it doesn't have to be this way.

After years of trial and error running launches in my own business…

I discovered a winning launch “formula” that any online business owner can use to launch like a pro…

And create a flood of new revenue into their business as a result.

I’ve never shared this launch formula publicly before…

But after seeing the profound impact it had on my business…

I decided to finally open up the curtain and share it all with you.

Inside Six-Figure Launch Secrets, I’ll walk you through everything you need to run wildly profitable launches that massively accelerate your business growth.

This deep-dive, 2-hour on-demand workshop will show you...

The exact “pre-launch” activities you need to do before you launch to make sure your launches are successful

How to avoid the biggest launch mistakes that cost me thousands with my proven, 5-step launch planning process

How to build an irresistible offer that people can’t help but buy during your launch (this is 80% of success, and I’ll show you exactly how to do it)

The perfect amount of time to run a launch (most people miss this and miss out on $ or burn out because of it)

The exact platforms that are most profitable today to promote your offer (hint… there’s one most people aren’t using that is insanely profitable)

The highest-converting way to present your offer during a launch (you’ll make more sales when you do this)

My 8-step formula for wildly profitable launch messaging (so you know exactly what to say during each stage of your launch to get more sales)

How many emails you should send on each day of your launch (and why most people aren’t sending enough)

What to do after your launch is over (most business owners miss this and miss a valuable opportunity to sign more clients)

The biggest mindset hacks to help you stay grounded throughout a launch (so you don’t get discouraged or burn out)

The dreaded launch “gap” - what it is, and how to avoid getting derailed by it and sabotaging your launch

You can get instant access to this deep-dive, pre-recorded workshop now for only $47.

You’ll get an email from me immediately after enrolling with a link to the workshop recording, so you can watch it ASAP.

You’ll have lifetime access to all the material, so you can come back to it at any time…

And if you go through the workshop and don’t think it was one of the best investments you’ve ever made in your online business…

Simply send me an email and I’ll give you a full refund, no questions asked.

There are so many things inside this workshop that, if I’d learned them earlier, would have saved me countless hours of frustration… and brought hundreds of thousands in additional revenue into my business…

And that’s why I’m so excited to share Six-Figure Launch Secrets with you.

Fill out the page below to check out…

And I’ll see you on the inside :-)

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